Sandra Brown

Sandra Brown was born in Waco, Texas. When she was five years old, her family relocated to Ft. Worth, where she spent her childhood. Reading was a hobby encouraged by her parents. English was an easy choice for a major when she entered Texas Christian University.
Sandra Brown is the authoress of more than 50 “New York Times “best sellers”. She began her writing career in 1981 and since then has published 65 novels. There are seventy million copies of her books in print worldwide and her works have been translated into thirty languages.
In 1968, she got married to Michael Brown, a former television anchorman who produced the award wining documentary film “Dust to Dust“. They lived in Ft. worth, Texas. Then, she continued her education at Oklahoma State University and the University of Texas at Arlington.
Before embarking on her writing carrier, she worked as a model at the Dallas Apparel Mart, and in television, including weather casting for WFAA-TV in Dallas and feature reporting on the national syndicated program “PM Magazine”. Taking the advice of a published writer who had appeared on Michael Brown’s morning TV talk show, Sandra attended a writers’ conference at the University of Houston where she met authors, literary agents, and publishers. Inspired by the ideas exchanged at the conference, she tried her hand at writing for the lucrative romance market. She sold her first two books within thirteen days of each other. “Love’s Encore” and ”Love Beyond Reason” where published in 1981.
In 1987, brown decided to move away from bonafide romance into the main steam fiction market. The gamble paid off in 1990 when the “Mirror Image” made The New York Times best seller list. Since then, all her novels had been the best seller, including reprints of the early romance. In 1992, “France Silk” was made into ABC-TV movie.
For five consecutive years she received award from Waldenbooks for having the best selling contemporary romance. She was given two similar Awards from B. Dalton. In 1992 the American Business Women’s association honored her with a Distinguish Circle of Success. She served as keynote speaker at romance writers of America’s annual convention in 1985, and in 1998 that organization recognized her with their Lifetime Achievement Award.
She is a member of Author’s Guild, Mystery Writers of America, International Association of Crime Writers, novelist, Inc and Literary Partner.

2.2 Her literary works
Sandra Brown’s literary works may chronologically be listed as follow:
1. Love Beyond Reason.......................... 1981
2. Love’s Encore............................... 1981
3. A treasure Worth Seeking.................... 1982
4. Eloquent Silence............................ 1982
5. Hidden Fires................................ 1982
6. Not even for Love........................... 1982
7. The Silk Web................................ 1982
8. A kiss Remembered........................... 1983
9. A Secret Splendor........................... 1983
10. Breakfast in Bed............................ 1983
11. Heaven’s Price.............................. 1983
12. Prime Time.................................. 1983
13. Relentless Desire........................... 1983
14. Seduction by Design........................ 1983
15. Tempest in Eden............................ 1983
16. Temptations Kiss........................... 1983
17. Tomorrow ‘s Promise........................ 1983
18. Bittersweet Rain........................... 1984
19. In a class by Itself....................... 1984
20. Send No Flowers............................ 1984
21. Tiger Prince .............................. 1984
22. Word of Silk .............................. 1984
23. Another Dawn .............................. 1985
24. Led Astray................................. 1985
25. Riley in the Morning....................... 1985
26. Sunset Embrace............................. 1985
27. Sweet Anger................................ 1985
28. Thursday’s Child........................... 1985
29. Above and Beyond........................... 1986
30. Honor Bound................................ 1986
31. The Rana Look.............................. 1986
32. 22 Indigo Place............................ 1986
33. Demon Rumm................................. 1987
34. Fanta C.................................... 1987
35. Sunny Chandler’s Return.................... 1987
36. The Devil’s Own............................ 1987
37. Two Alone.................................. 1987
38. Adam’s Fall................................ 1988
39. Hawk O’ Toole’s Hostage.................... 1988
40. Slow Heat in Heaven........................ 1988
41. Tiding of Great Joy.......................... 1988
42. A Whole New Light ........................... 1989
43. Best Keep Secret............................. 1989
44. Long Time Coming ............................ 1989
45. Temperatures Rising.......................... 1989
46. The Thrill of Victory........................ 1989
47. Mirror Image................................. 1990
48. Texas! Lucky................................. 1990
49. Breath of Scandal ........................... 1990
50. Texas! Chase................................. 1991
51. Texas! Sage ................................. 1991
52. French Silk ................................. 1992
53. Shadow of Yesterday –
Reprint of relentless desire................. 1992
54. Where There’s Smoke.......................... 1993
55. Charade ..................................... 1993
56. The Witness.................................. 1995
57. Exclusive.................................... 1996
58. Fat Tuesday.................................. 1997
59. Unspeakable.................................. 1998
60. The Alibi.................................... 1999
61. Standoff..................................... 2000
62. The Switch................................... 2000
63. Envy......................................... 2001
64. The Crush.................................... 2002
65. Hello, Darkness.............................. 2003
66. White Hot.................................... 2004