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Sekolah :
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/ Semester : XI /
Pertemuan ke : 1-3
Alokasi waktu : 6 x 45 menit ( 3pertemuan)
Standar Kompetensi : 2.Berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris setara level elementary
Kompetensi Dasar : 2.1. Memahami percakapan sederhana sehari-hari dalam konteks professional dan non
profesional dengan penutur non- native.
Indikator : – Menggunakan penuturan untuk bercerita mengenai kehidupan sehari-hari
- Bercakap-cakap tentang hobi dan minat.
1. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
- Siswa dapat menggunakan penuturan yang tepat untuk bercerita mengenai kehidupan sehari- hari dengan benar.
- Siswa dapat menggunakan penuturan yang tepat untuk mengadakan percakapan tentang hobi dan minat dengan benar.
2. Materi Pembelajaran :
- Contoh percakapan tentang kehidupan sehari hari :
John : Hello, is anyone here?
Jean : Hi, John. Come in and have a seat, please. What would you like to drink, coffee or tea?
John : I’d rather have coffee, please.
Jean : Is there anything I can do for you John ?
John : Yes. Yesterday, I didn’t go to school because I had a cold. I would like to borrow your book . I’m afraid of falling behind.
Jean : Okay, I’ll lend it to you.

Expressions used in daily activities:
- What do you usually do everyday?
- What time do you usually get up?
- Do you always get up early in the morning?
- Does your father go to work by bus everyday? Etc.
When you are asked about your daily activities, you can respond using the following expressions:
- I usually go to school at 6.30.
- I like to watch TV
- I wake up at 5.00 in the morning
- Yes, I do. I always get up early.
Text for daily activities:
My daily activities.
Every morning from Monday to Saturday, I get up at 6 o’clock. After breakfast, I go to school by bicycle. It takes about 15 minutes from my house to school. Usually I study at school until 1:30 p.m. I get home in the afternoon and have lunch with my mother. Then I attend a computer course until 5:00 p.m. I get home at 6:00 p.m. and have dinner with my family at 7.00. after that I usually prepare my books for school. I go to bed around 10:00 p.m.
I have different activities on weekends. I usually accompany my mother to go to the market. Sometimes, I go downtown with some of my friends. Sunday is my favorite day to do anything I like.
Contoh percakapan tentang hobi dan minat :
Anwar : What do you like to do in your spare time, Yoga.?
Yoga : I like fishing very much. I go fishing almost every weekend.
Anwar : You do? Hey, we share the same hobby then. Let’s go fishing together sometimes. I know some favorite spots.
Yoga : That sounds great. What about next Sunday? I’ll bring the sandwich for lunch.
Anwar : Okay, that’s a good idea. I’ll bring the soft drink then.
Expressions used to talk about hobbies and interest:
-What do you like to do in your spare time?
-What is your hobby?
-Do you have any hobbies?
-Do you like ………(fishing, cooking, reading, writing, etc)?
-Are you interested in playing football?
-What kind of subjects are you interested in?
Use the expressions below to answer questions about hobbies and interests:
-My hobby is swimming
- I like playing football.
-Yes, I have some hobbies. I love playing football and basketball.
- My hobbies are cooking and gardening.
3. Metode Pembelajaran :
- Three phase technique.
4. Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran :
1. Pertemuan Pertama dan Kedua:
a. Kegiatan Awal : 10 ‘
- Guru menunjukkan gambar tentang kegiatan sehari-hari dan mengajukan pertanyaan :
-Do you like to have dinner with your family?
- What time do you usually have dinner?
- What kind of food do you like to have for dinner? Etc
- Guru menginformasikan tujuan yang akan dicapai.
b. Kegiatan Inti.
• Elaborasi 30’
- Murid membaca nyaring contoh dialog .
- Murid mengidentifikasi pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari.
-Murid membaca contoh bacaan tentang kegiatan sehari-hari.
• Eksplorasi 90’
-Murid mengisi dialog rumpang berdasar teks yang dibaca guru.
- Murid memilih gambar yang sesuai dengan kalimat yang dibaca guru.
-Murid berlatih membuat pertanyaan tentang kegiatan sehari-hari berdasar data yang ada.
- Murid membuat kalimat tentang kegiatan sehari-hari.
• Konfirmasi 30’
-Murid mengoreksi pekerjaan teman dengan dipandu guru
-Murid membetulkan kalimat yang yang sudah dikoreksi teman.
c. Kegiatan akhir 10’
- Siswa menyimpulkan materi pelajaran dengan cara menjawab pertanyaan dari guru.
-Guru memberi pekerjaan rumah pda siswa untuk menyusun kalimat yang sudah dibuat menjadi satu teks bacaan..
2. Pertemuan Ketiga :
a. Kegiatan Awal 10’
- Sambil menunjukkan gambar, guru bertanya kepada siswa:
- Do you like playing basketball?
- How often do you play basketball?
- Where do you usually play basketball?
- Do you like to play other sport?
- What is your hobby? etc
- Guru menginformasikan tentang tujuan pembelajaran.
b. Kegiatan Inti :
Eksplorasi: 10’
- Siswa membaca contoh dialog tentang hobby dan minat
- Siswa mengidentifikasi kalimat yang berhubungan denga hobi dan minat.
- Siswa menjawab pertanyaan berdasar dialog yang dibaca guru.
- Siswa berlatih membuat dialog tentang hobi dan minat dengan teman.
Konfirmasi 30’
- Siswa mempraktekkan tanya jawab tentang hobi dan minat.
c. Kegiatan akhir 10’
- Siswa menyimpulkan materi dengan menjawab pertanyaan dari guru.
E. Alat dan Media Belajar :
1. Gambar gambar yang relevan
F. Buku Pegangan Guru dan Siswa :
1. Get Along with English 2, Entin Sutinah dkk, Erlangga, Jakarta, 2010
2. Lembar Kerja Siswa, XI a, Viva Pakarindo, Klaten, 2011.
G. Tugas
1. Tugas Terstruktur.
2. Tugas Mandiri
H. Penilaian
1. Teknik :
2. Bentuk Instrumen :
3. Soal/ Instrumen :
I. Listen and complete the missing words. Then answer the questions based on the dialog
Aldy : Where do you (1)……..?
Boby : I work for Vacation Tour and Travel.
Aldy : What do you do there?
Boby : I’m a (2)……. I take people on tours to several cities in Indonesia.
Aldy : That (3)……..!
Boby : Yes, it’s (4) ………, I love it. And what do you do?
Aldy : I’m a student, and I’m doing a (5)……, too
Boby : Where do you work?
Aldy : I work in a (6) …….. restaurant. I cook hamburgers there.
Boby : Mr. Donald’s?
Aldy : No, I (7) ……..Mac Burger
1. What does Aldy do?
2. Where does he work?
3. Does he work part-time?
4. What does Boby do?
5. Where does he work?
II. Look at the pictures below. Listen and match each picture with the correct statement

III. Work in pairs! Make questions and answer about daily activities based on the table below!
Daily Activities
Rina Yuda
5:00 a.m wake up
6:00 a.m have breakfast
6:15 a.m go to school
1:30 p.m have kunch
1:45 p.m take a nap
3:30 p.m clean the house
4:45 p.m watch TV
7:00 p.m have dinner
7:17 p.m study
10:00 p.m go to bed 4:45 a.m wake up
6:00 a.m have brakfast
6:15 a.m. go to school
1:30 p.m have lunch
2:00 p.m take a nap
3:30 p.m clean the house
4:45 p.m watch TV
7:00 p.m have dinner
7:17 p.m study
10:00 p.m go to bed

Example : What time do you wake up Rina? I wake up at 5 in the morning
What o you do after school Yuda? I have lunch, then I take a nap.
IV. Read the text below and discuss it with your friends.
My daily activities.
Every morning from Monday to Saturday, I get up at 6 o’clock. After breakfast, I go to school by bicycle. It takes about 15 minutes from my house to school. Usually I study at school until 1:30 p.m. I get home in the afternoon and have lunch with my mother. Then I attend a computer course until 5:00 p.m. I get home at 6:00 p.m. and have dinner with my family at 7.00. after that I usually prepare my books for school. I go to bed around 10:00 p.m.
I have different activities on weekends. I usually accompany my mother to go to the market. Sometimes, I go downtown with some of my friends. Sunday is my favorite day to do anything I like.
Write your daily activities and then compare them with your friend’s!.
V. Listen to your teacher and answer the questions below!
1. What are Edward’s hobbies?
2. What are Emily’s hobbies?
3. What does Emily usually do on the weekend?
4. What kind of music dos Edward like?
5. Who usually take s a nap and goes shopping in the afternoon?
VI. Make a dialog with your friend asking about your hobby and interest. The contents of the dialog are :
1. Greet your friend. Ask your friend if he likes volleyball.
2. Respond greeting. Tell that you love volleyball very much.
1. Say that you are happy to hear that, ask your friend to join your volleyball club.
2. Agree to join the club, ask when to start.
1. Answer that the practice begins tomorrow. The schedule will be every Thursday and Saturday.
2. Thanks your friend, ask to go together tomorrow
1. Agree to go together.
Kunci jawaban :
I. Aldy : Where do you work.?
Boby : I work for Vacation Tour and Travel.
Aldy : What do you do there?
Boby : I’m a guide .I take people on tours to several cities in Indonesia.
Aldy : That sounds interesting!
Boby : Yes, it’s a great job , I love it. And what do you do?
Aldy : I’m a student, and I’m doing a part-time job, too
Boby : Where do you work?
Aldy : I work in a fast food restaurant. I cook hamburgers there.
Boby : Mr. Donald’s?
Aldy : No, I work for Mac Burger
1. He is a cook.
2. He works for Mac Burger.
3. Yes, he does.
4. He is a tour guide.
5. He works for Vacation Tour and Travel.
II. Choose the sentence which match the picture!
1. A. The girl is making ice cram
B. The girl is eating ice cream
C. The girl’s mother is an ice cream seller.
D. The little girl is selling ice cream
2. A. My mother is vacuuming the floor
B. Tina is sweeping the bedroom.
C. Jean is making the bed
D. Rita is brushing the floor
3. A. The man is smiling widely
B. The woman is stretching her left arm
C. They are joining the dancing competition
D. They are practicing to dance.
4. A. The lady is being interviewed
B. The TV is running a movie.
C. The woman is presenting the news.
D. The man on TV is waving to the audience..
5. A. My father is an ambulance driver
B. The ambulance is in the garage.
C. The siren is out of order.
D. The ambulance gets a flat tire.
III. Sesuai jawaban siswa
Contoh : What time do you wake up Rina? I wake up at 5 in the morning
What do you do after school Yuda? I have lunch, then I take a nap

IV. Sesuai jawaban siswa.
Contoh:I usually get up at 4:30 a.m
I take a bath at 5:00 after making my bed. Etc

V. Edward : Do you have any hobbies, Emily?
Emily : Yes, I do. My hobbies are swimming, dancing, and singing. How about you?
Edward : I love fishing and listening to music.
Emily : What kind of music do you like?
Edward : I like pop music. By the way, what do you usually do on the weekend?
Emily : I usually o some exercise in the morning, have a nap, and go shopping with my family in the afternoon. What about you?
Edward : I usually stay home, help my parents, and have a family gathering.

1. Edward and loves fishing and listening to music.
2. Emily’s hobbies are swimming, dancing and singing.
3. Emoily does some exercises, have a nap, and go shopping.
4. Edward likes pop music.
5. Emily.

VI. Sesuai jawaban siswa.
Contoh :
Akram : Hi, Deo. Do you like volleyball?
Deo : Hello Akram. Yes, I like volleyball very much.
Akram : I love to hear that. Hey, how about joining my volleyball club? We can practice together.
Deo : That’s a good idea. When will practice begin?
Akram : It starts tomorrow. The schedule is on Thursdays and Saturdays.
Deo : Okay. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 3:00 p.m
Akram : That’s great. I’ll be waiting.

Pedoman Penskoran :
1. Listening :
Uraian Skor
Jawaban benar 1
Jawaban salah 0
Nilai maksimal : 10
Menjawab pertanyaan
Uraian Skor
Makna benar, tata bahasa benar 2
Makna benar, tata bahasa salah 1
Makna salah, tata bahasa salah 0
Nilai maksimal : 10
1. Listening
Uraian Skor
Jawaban benar 2
Jawaban salah 0
Nilai maksimal:10
1. Membuat kalimat :
Uraian Skor
Makna benar, tata bahasa benar 2
Makna benar, tata bahasa salah 1
Makna salah, tata bahasa salah 0
Nilai maksimal ;10

1. Membuat kalimat
Uraian Skor
Makna benar, tata bahasa benar 2
Makna benar, tata bahasa salah 1
Makna salah, tata bahasa salah 0
Nilai maksimal: 10
1. Menjawab pertanyaan
Uraian Skor
Makna benar, tata bahasa benar 2
Makna benar,tata bahasa salah 1
Makna salah, tata bahasa salah 0
Nilai maksimal : 10
1. Membuat dialog
Uraian Skor
Makna benar, tata bahasa benar 2
Makna benar,tata bahasa salah 1
Makna salah, tata bahasa salah 0
Nilai maksimal : 10

NILAI AKHIR : 10+10+10+10+10+10 X 10

...................... 2011