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Subject : English
Class/Semester : 11th grade of Vocational School/1st semester
Standard Competence:
2. Communicate in English Language at Elementary Level.
Basic Competence:
2.2 Make a simple note in direct interaction and through device.
2.2.1 Composing sentences using personal pronouns.
2.2.2 Composing sentences using reported speech/indirect speech.

Text : Narrative
Topic : Personal pronoun and indirect speech
Skill : Writing
Time Allotment : 4 X 45 minutes

1. Objective:
At the end of this lesson, students are able to:
a. Compose sentences using personal pronouns
b. Compose sentences using reported speech/indirect speech

2. Material:
Today, Mickey accidentally meets Minnie in the park.
Mickey greets Minnie, “Hallo, Minnie long time no see, how are you?”
“Hi, Mickey. I’m fine. How about you?” answers Minnie.
“I’m fine too. Where have you been during this holiday? I think I didn’t see you for a month” Mickey asks Minnie.
“I stay at home, I am very busy with all the homeworks and I have worked hard for my assignments. Oh ya, and last week, I was in my Grandma’s house for a week. It is in Magelang.” Minnie replies.
“Really? At least, you may have a wonderful holiday, because you can go to your grandma’s house.” Says Mickey
“Sure, I must have a great holiday. Magelang is a beautiful town. You will like to live there. Anyway, Do you know where Magelang is, Mickey? “ Minnie wants to know.
“Of course. Magelang is in Central Java near Yogyakarta, isn’t it?” answers Mickey
“Yes, it is, Mickey. You are smart.” Minnie gives praise to Mickey.
Then Mickey talk to Donald about Minnie’s story.
Yesterday Mickey met Minnie in the park. he wonder why he had never saw her about a month. Mickey asked her where she had been in that holiday.
Minnie said that she stayed at home, she was very busy with all the homeworks and she had work hard for her assignments. And a week before, she had been in Magelang, in her grandma’s house for a week.
So Mickey said that Minnie might have a wonderful holiday, because she could went to her grandma’s house.
Minnie said that she had to have a great holiday. She told him that Magelang was a beautiful town and he would like to lived there. Minnie asked Mickey if he knew where Magelang is.
Mickey said that he knew Magelang is in Central Java near Yogyakarta.
She said that Mickey was smart.
a) Personal pronouns
Subject Object Possessive Adjective (+noun) Possessive Pronoun
Tia and Ari Me
Them My …
Your …
His …
Her …
Its …
Our …
Their …
Her …
His …
Their … Mine
b) Reported speech/indirect speech
• Change the pronoun
• Change the tenses
• Change the modal
• Change the questions
• Change the time
3. Teaching Method

4. Teaching Steps:
a. Pre-Activity (About 10 minutes)
• T greets Ss “Good Morning? How are you?”
• T checks attendance

b. Whilst Activity (About 150 minutes)
• • T asks Ss to present their pressentation turn. S1 – S4present their own presentation (about 2 – 5 minutes) and then T asks other students to give comment, question or suggestion.
• • Thelps Ss to correct their mistakes during the presentation
• • T reviews last material
• • T tells the material “Personal pronoun and Indirect speech”
• • T explains the material:
Today, Mickey accidentally meets Minnie in the park.
Mickey greets Minnie, “Hallo, Minnie long time no see, how are you?”
“Hi, Mickey. I’m fine. How about you?” answers Minnie.
“I’m fine too. Where have you been during this holiday? I think I didn’t see you for a month” Mickey asks Minnie.
“I stay at home, I am very busy with all the homeworks and I have worked hard for my assignments. Oh ya, and last week, I was in my Grandma’s house for a week. It is in Magelang.” Minnie replies.
“Really? At least, you may have a wonderful holiday, because you can go to your grandma’s house.” Says Mickey
“Sure, I must have a great holiday. Magelang is a beautiful town. You will like to live there. Anyway, Do you know where Magelang is, Mickey? “ Minnie wants to know.
“Of course. Magelang is in Central Java near Yogyakarta, isn’t it?” answers Mickey
“Yes, it is, Mickey. You are smart.” Minnie gives praise to Mickey.
Then Mickey talk to Donald about Minnie’s story.
Yesterday Mickey met Minnie in the park. he wonder why he had never saw her about a month. Mickey asked her where she had been in that holiday.
Minnie said that she stayed at home, she was very busy with all the homeworks and she had work hard for her assignments. And a week before, she had been in Magelang, in her grandma’s house for a week.
So Mickey said that Minnie might have a wonderful holiday, because she could went to her grandma’s house.
Minnie said that she had to have a great holiday. She told him that Magelang was a beautiful town and he would like to lived there. Minnie asked Mickey if he knew where Magelang is.
Mickey said that he knew Magelang is in Central Java near Yogyakarta.
She said that Mickey was smart.
a) Personal pronouns
Subject Object Possessive Adjective (+noun) Possessive Pronoun
Tia and Ari Me
Them My …
Your …
His …
Her …
Its …
Our …
Their …
Her …
His …
Their … Mine
b) Reported speech/indirect speech
• Change the pronoun
• Change the tenses
• Change the modal
• Change the questions
• Change the time
• T asks S2, S3, … to repeat what T said.
• T provides a game to check students understanding. This is group assignments.
• T asks Ss to do individual task.

c. Post Activity (About 20 minutes)
• T checks Ss understanding by asking question about the material “So what we have learnt today? Do you understand? Is there any question?”
• T reviews the material.
• T gives homework.
• T invites Ss to pray and then says good bye.

5. Teaching Media
a. Whiteboard
b. Cardboard
c. Marker
d. Test Paper

6. Sources:
a. Modul Pembelajaran Akurat Bahasa Inggris/XI/Ganjil, Wiwit Kristiyanto,S.Pd.
b. Effective Communication: An Intergrated Course of English Vocational High School, Elementary Level, Agus Widyantoro, Kartika Pratiwi, Nuki Prihatini.
c. Personal Pronouns-Exercise, http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/pronouns/ personal_pronouns.htm
d. Reported (Indirect) Speech, http://www.learn-english-today.com/lessons/lesson_ contents/reported-speech_ex..htm
7. What to be assessed:
No. Indicator Questions (Instrument)
2.2.1 Composing sentences using personal pronouns.
Use the correct personal pronouns in the box below

Today, ___ and ___ friend go to library. ___ are looking for books. This is___ friend ___name is Hakim. ___ am a guitarist and ___ is a football player. So ___ are looking for a different books. ___ am looking for Music book and ___ is looking for Sport book.

Me My We His I He

2. 2.2.2 Composing sentences using reported speech/indirect speech.
Change the following sentences from direct speech to indirect/reported speech :
1. Gina said, “There is an excellent band playing later on.”
Gina said __________________________________
2. Giza said, “I saw Amy at the bank on Monday.
Giza said __________________________________
3. Fadli said, “I’ve returned the dictionary to the library”.
Fadli said __________________________________
4. Cita asked, “Will you come to my party on Saturday?”
Cita asked _________________________________
5. Shop assistant asked, “Are you looking for something special?”
The shop assistant asked _____________________

Assessment guide:
• Score for part 2.2.1 is 5 for true answer.
• Score for part 2.2.2 is 10 for true answer.
• Maximum Score for part 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 is (5×10) + (10×5) = 100


NIP. Bandung, 13 September 2010
Guru Mata Pelajaran

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