soal uas genap B.INGGRIS KLS X

I. Choose the best correct answer below!

The text is for questions number 1 - 5

Once upon a time a fox was returning to his den. He was very hungry and could find nothing to eat. Near the forest where he lived there was a village. In the village lived a butcher. “I must go to the butcher’s house and see if I can steal meat from there,” he thought. As he was nearing the village he saw a crow on the branch of a tree. The crow was holding a big piece of meat in her beak.
I must have that piece of meat,” the fox said to himself. “I must find a way to get it. It is not for nothing that people call me the six fox”.
Then he went over to the tree and said, “Good morning, Miss crow. How pretty you look today. You are the most beautiful bird I have ever seen. And people say that no other bird can sing more sweetly than you. Would you sing for me?”
The crow was very pleased to hear all the nice things which the fox said about her.
I’ll be glad to sing a little song for you” she said. She opened her beak and began to sing as loudly as she could. The piece of meat fell to the ground and the fox ate it up.
“Thank you for the song and the meal,” the fox said. “That was very tender meat indeed”.
The crow soon realized that the fox was only flattering her. “I will never trust a flatterer again,” she said sadly to herself.

1. The text above is a kind of … .

a. Myth
b. Fable
c. Novel
d. Legend
e. article

2. In this story, the fox is described as a    ….   Animal.

a. Greedy
b. Bright
c. Proud
d. Stupid
e. tricky

3. Which of these is the theme of the story?

a. Honesty
b. A trickery
c. Flattering
d. Praise
e. Persuasion

4. “As he was nearing the village …”
The underlined word means … .

a. closing to
b. going away from
c. getting close to
d. closer to
e. close to

5. What is the generic structure of the text above?

a. Complication – Resolution – Coda
b. Abstract – Orientation – Crises – Coda
c. Orientation – Sequence of events – Reorientation
d. Goal – Material – Steps
e. Orientation – Complication – Resolution – Coda

6. “Titi is sweeping the floor”,  it means:

a. The floor was swept
b. The floor was being swept
c. The floor is being swept
d. The floor must be swept
e. The floor has swept
7. This is a very popular TV program. Every week, it __________ by millions of people

a. Watches
b. being watched
c. is watched
d. has watched
e. had watched

8. A: Somebody told me that you got the first winner on singing contest a few days ago.
B: That’s right
A: ______________

a. Thanks
b. Congratulations!
c. It was my pleasure
d. You must be joking
e. How beautiful you are
9. X:  Would you like some coffee?
Y:  ______________

a. Really!
b. You’re welcome
c. I can’t believe it
d. Yes, thank you
e. Yes, I am

10. John: Don’t worry, I have prepared everything dealing with your travel.
Steve : _______________

a. I’m sorry to hear that
b. Don’t mention it
c. Congratulation
d. I hope so
e. Really, you must be joking

The Text is for questions number 11 - 15

Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the nineteenth century was the Crystal Palace, which was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851. The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world, for it was made of iron and glass, it was one of the biggest buildings of all time and a lot of people from many countries came too see it. A greats many goods were sent to the exhibition from various parts of the world. There was also a great deal machinery on display. The most wonderful piece of machinery on show was Nasmyth's. Though In those days traveling was not as easy as it today, steamboats carried thousands of visitors across the channel from Europe. On arriving in England, they were taken to Crystal Palace by train. There were six million visitors in all and the profits from the exhibition were used to build museums and colleges. Later, the Crystal Palace was moved to South London. It remained on of the most buildings in the world until it was burnt down in 1936.

11. The text is about ______________
a. The great exhibition of 1815 Palace
b. Nasmyth's machinery
c. The biggest building in the world
d. The Crystal Palace
e. The construction of the Crystal Palace
12. Why was the Crystal Palace not the same as other building? Because
a. it was made of Crystal
b. it was built in the 19`h century
c. it was made of iron and glass
d. it attracted visitors from various part of the world
e. it exhibited many goods from different countries
13. Which statement is NOT TRUE about the Crystal Palace

a. it was constructed in 1851
b. it was burnt down
c. it was destroyed by visitors
d. it was used as a college
e. it was used as a museum

14. "There were six million visitors in all and the profits from the exhibition ... ." The opposite of the underlined word is ___________.

a. loss
b. loan
c. share
d. interest
e. benefit

15. The communicative purpose of the text is to _______.
a. describe the Crystal Palace
b. tell the events of visit to the Crystal Palace
c. entertain the readers with the story of the Crystal Palace
d. Inform the news of what happened to the Crystal Palace
e. classify the Crystal Palace
16.   Seller  : What do you want to buy sir?
      Buyer  : I want to buy a pair of an …..
           (leather / expensive/ black) shoes.

a. expensive black leather
b. leather black expensive
c. leather expensive black
d. expensive leather black
e. black expensive leather

17.  Lake Toba is ____________ lake in all of Southeast Asia.

a. larger
b. the largest
c. bigger
d. large
e. big

Complete the following text with the best and appropriate word! (question number 18 – 21)

Once upon a time there . . . . (18) a beautiful girl called Cinderella. She lived with her stepsister and stepmother. They were very bossy. She . . . . (19) to do all the housework.
One day an invitation to the ball come to the family. Her stepsister . . . . (20) not let her go. So Cinderella was very sad. The stepsister went to the ball without her.
Fortunately, the fairy good mother came and helped her to get to the ball. At the ball, Cinderella . . . . (21) with the prince. The prince fell in love with her then he married her. They lived happily ever after.

18 a. was
b. were
c. is
d. are
e. am

19. a. had
b. have
c. has
d. did
e. would

20.  a.    would c. might
b. had d. did e. could
21. a. walked c.    slept
b. danced

d. ran

e. went

The text is for questions number  22 - 26

Floods/ Landslides:
Thousands flee homes as floods paralyze Jakarta

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta
Jan 20, 2005, 13:03
Panic, fatigue and confusion were etched on Wagino's face, a resident of Kalibata in East Jakarta whose house on the Ciliwung river bank was swept away in Wednesday's floods.
"The flood came early at 3 a.m. and it destroyed most of my house. I don't know where to go for temporary shelter," Wagino said.
Wagino was not alone. Thousands of other Jakartans were forced to leave their homes due to massive flooding that engulfed many parts of the capital and paralyzed many roads in the city.
The official estimate reported that at least 8,000 residents across the city were forced to flee to temporary shelters on Wednesday as rainwater completely inundated their homes. No fatalities were reported so far.
"We have received a report that floods have claimed one life. The victim was reportedly electrocuted. But, we have yet to verify the report," said the secretary of the city flood and disaster mitigation task force, Soebagio.
The water level reached up to three meters in Cililitan Kecil, East Jakarta. Despite such dangerous water levels, some residents insisted on staying on their roofs and refusing to leave their homes for fear of looting.
Jakarta Governor Sutiyoso announced on Wednesday that the flooding in the capital had reached a critical level, only a step away from an emergency situation, when Jakarta residents living in flood-prone areas must be evacuated.
"If heavy rain continues and the water level rises to an alarming level, I will have no choice but to open the flood gate, which may cause flooding in elite areas, including the State Palace... I am sure that the President (Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono) would be able to understand this as an emergency situation," he told reporters during his impromptu visit to the Manggarai flood gate in South Jakarta.

Adapted from

22. The writer wrote the text to … readers about some houses on the Ciliwung River
      Bank were swept away in Wednesday's floods.

a. Entertain
b. Persuade
c. Explain
d. Inform
e. amuse

23. What is the text about?

a. Flood in some area in Jakarta
b. Rain effect on flood
c. The effects of flood
d. The danger of flood
e. The cause of flood

24. “Thousands of other Jakartans were forced to leave their homes due to massive
        flooding …” (Paragraph 2).
        What des the underlined word means?

a. Great
b. Small
c. Little
d. Dangerous
e. serious

25. The reporter most likely got the information from ...

a. governor
b. residents
c. the president
d. the official
e. the State Palace

26. “He told reporters during his impromptu visit to the Manggarai flood gate in
        South Jakarta” (Last paragraph).
        The word “He” refers to …

a. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
b. Soebagio
c. Wagino
d. Reporter
e. Sutiyoso

27.  The earth, where we live, is   . . .   than otherplanets

a. comfortable
b. the most comfortable
c. more comfortable
d. comfortably
e. comfortabler  
28. I didn’t expect to see you here, . . .

a. What a surprise!
b. Really?
c. It was beyond belief.
d. Amazing.
e. Incredible.

29.  The crew tried to extinguish a burning building ___________ because it was closed to densely populated area.

a. quick
b. late
c. wrongly
d. quickly
e. slow

30.  The flood happened _____________ it rained hard last night.

a. when
b. for
c. since
d. before
e. during

This text is for questions number 31 – 35

Being announced to all the students of SMA Putra Bangsa Surabaya that in order to prevent the student to do some juvenile delinquency and to have drug abuse, the student organization board will hold a seminar of juvenile delinquency. The seminar will be held.

Day/date : On Sunday, February 28th 2008
Time : At 09.00 am
Place : In the School Hall
Spokesmen : 1. Kombes Budi Prawira, S. H. (Kadiv, Anti Narkotika Polda Jawa Timur)
  2. Dr. Enny Tri Suciati (Pakar Psikology Remaja)
Further Information
Get in touch with school organization members at every class.

Devina Putri Farhan Ghani
Secretary Chair Person

31.  What is the text above called?

a. Brochure
b. Letter of complaint
c. Memo
d. Invitation
e. Announcement

32.  The text is about  . . .

a. a seminar on juvenile delinquency
b. the student organization board
c. the students of SMA Putra Bangsa
d. drug abuse
e. juvenile delinquency

33. The word “get in touch” means . . .

a. attend
b. visit
c. contact
d. come
e. hold

34.  The word “arrange” has the same meaning with . . .  in the text above.

a. prevent
b. hold
c. announce
d. get in touch
e. have

35.  Who is Farhan Ghani?

a. a secretary
b. a leader of committee
c. a Psychology expert
d. spokesmen
e. a member of committee

II. Answer the following questions based on each instruction!

1. Make a short dialog using expression of “Compliment” (Memuji)
(tidak boleh sama dengan siswa lain atau dengan kalimat pasif pada soal pilihan ganda)
2. Make a short dialog using expression of Accepting an Invitation
(tidak boleh sama dengan siswa lain atau dengan kalimat pasif pada soal pilihan ganda)
3. Make 2 passive sentences using different tenses (tenses yang berbeda)!
(tidak boleh sama dengan siswa lain atau dengan kalimat pasif pada soal pilihan ganda)
4. Make a sentence using:
a. Comparative degree ( -er….than/more….than)
b. Superlative degree ( the ….est/the most …..)
(tidak boleh sama dengan siswa lain atau dengan kalimat pasif pada soal pilihan ganda)
5. Make News Worthy event of News Item Text! (Boleh diberi judul atau tidak)
(tidak boleh sama dengan siswa lain atau dengan kalimat pasif pada soal pilihan ganda)



1. B
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. E
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. D
10. E
11. D
12. C
13. C
14. A
15. A
16. A
17. B
18. A
19. A
20. D
21. B
22. D
23. A
24. D
25. B
26. E
27. C
28. C
29. D
30. C
31. E
32. A
33. C
34. B
35. B

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