soal dan kunci UAS I ENGLISH XI-IPA/IPS

I. Choose the best answer!
Text 1 (Questions 1-5)

Spiders are predatory invertebrate animals. They are not classified in the class of Insecta. A spider has eight legs while an insect never has more than six legs.
Spiders have a body with two main divisions, four pairs of walking legs and two other pairs of abdominal spinnerets for spinning threads of silk. This silk can be used to aid in climbing, build egg sacs, and catch prey.
Spiders kill so many insects, but they never do the least harm to man’s belongings. Spiders are busy for at least half of the year killing insects. It is impossible to find out how many insects they kill, since they are hungry creatures which cannot be content with only three meals a day.

1. What is the type of the above text?
a. Report c.   Descriptive e.   Hortatory exposition
b. Narrative d.   Analytical exposition
2. Why can’t spiders be classified in the class of Insecta? Because … .
a. spiders have more than six legs. d.   spiders have walking legs.
b. spiders kill many insects. e.   spiders are hungry creatures.
c. spiders’ bodies have two main divisions.
3. The following sentences are true about spiders, except … .
a. they have eight legs. d.   they are not dangerous for people.
b. they belong to Insecta. e.   they eat more than three meals a day.
c. they eat many insects.
4. The underlined word hungry (par.3, line 3) has similar meaning with … .
a. full c.   starving e.   poor
b. thirsty d.   dehydrated
5. Rafky : Are you satisfied with your presentation?
Rena : Sure. But I’ll be much better next time.
From the above conversation, we know that Rena expresses her … .
a. satisfaction c.   pain e.   pleasure
b. dissatisfaction d.   relief
6. Sabrina: Were you satisfied with the result of your English test?
Jami : Absolutely not, because I didn’t do my best.
The underlined sentence is the expression of … .
a. satisfaction c.   pain e.   pleasure
b. dissatisfaction d.   relief
7. My mother always … (read) a woman magazine.
The correct word in the bracket is … .
a. read c.   reading e.   will read
b. reads d.   is reading
8. They … Japanese in the classroom at the moment.
a. studies c.   are studying e.   studied
b. studying d.   will study
9. Arum : Have you seen the first part of the last Harry Potter movie?
Ari : Yes, I have.
Arum : What is your opinion about the movie?
Ari : … , the movie is outstanding. I really like it.
a. I’m not sure c.   How do you see e.   In my opinion
b. I don’t know d.   Are you certain that
10. Amira : Do you think Rifky can solve that difficult chemistry problem?
Zahira : I … he can do it. He is an intelligent student.
a. am in doubt c.   don’t think e.   believe
b. am not sure d.   guess

Text 2 (Questions 11-15)

Real Brotherly Love
(A Korean Folk Tale)
A long, long time ago, there lived two brothers in a village. They were both very poor, but the older brother had a little more than the other one. However, he had a larger family to support than the younger brother.
One autumn, they harvested their grain, but the older one worried about his younger brother, so at night he took some grain and secretly put it in the place where his brother stored his grain. The next day; even though, he had done this, his own grain supply was not reduced. The next night he did the same thing, and again the next day. Still, his grain supply was not diminished. It stayed the same.
He thought it was strange, so he hid in the field to see what happened. A few hours later, he saw a person approaching. He went out to see who it was.
The stranger was his brother who was also worried about his older brother. Each night he had been taking grain to his older brother to help him!
This was true brotherly love. After that, they lived happily for the rest of their lives.

11. The story happened in a … .
a. forest c.   city e.   castle
b. mountain d.   village
12. Which statement is NOT TRUE about the older brother?
a. He was very poor.
b. He had a little more than the younger brother.
c. He had a larger family to support than the younger brother.
d. He hated his younger brother.
e. He loved his younger brother.
13. The text mostly uses … Tense.
a. The Present Simple c.   The Present Continuous e.   The Future
b. The Past Simple d.   The Past Continuous
14. The type of the above text is … .
a. Report c.   Descriptive e.   Hortatory exposition
b. Narrative d.   Analytical exposition
15. The communicative purpose of this text is … .
a. to entertain the reader and to deal with actual or vicarious experience
b. to criticize the work of art
c. to share an amusing story with others
d. to describe the characteristics of the older brother
e. to expose the special things
16. Devina : Was Martin at the party last night?
David : Yes, he … a really nice coat.
a. wear c.   wore e.   was wear
b. wears d.   wearing
17. When I was young, I … to be an actor.
a. want c.   wanted e.   was wanting
b. wants d.   wanting
18. Student: I’m sorry, Sir. I’m not feeling well today.
Teacher: It’s ok, but you … see a doctor.
a. wouldn’t c.   couldn’t e.   had better
b. shouldn’t d.   had better not
19. Lena : What if we give fan in our classroom?
Lintang: … .
The best response is … .
a. I disagree with you. c.   I can’t accept it. e.   I don’t like it.
b. I don’t agree with you. d.   I don’t have any objection.
20. Taufan : We must held demonstration to fall down our leader.
Fadil : … .
a. I like it. c.   I agree with you. e.   I disagree with you.
b. Yes, I agree. d.   I don’t have any objection.

Text 3 (Questions 21-25)

21. What is the type of the above text?
a. Descriptive c.   Report e.   Recount
b. Narrative d.   Analytical exposition
22. The writer mostly uses the … Tense.
a. Present Simple c.   Present Continuous e.   Future
b. Past Simple d.   Past Continuous
23. What is the organization / the generic structure of the above text?
a. identification - description d.   general classification - description
b. thesis - arguments - reiteration e.   orientation - events - reorientation
c. orientation - complication - resolution
24. Libraries are among humanity’s most important institutions for … reasons.
a. one c.   three e.   five
b. two d.   four
25. “Libraries are our link to the past and our gift to the future.”
This means that we … to the past and the future by libraries.
a. am linked c.   are linked e.   were linked
b. is linked d.   was linked
26. Lena : Ouch! It hurts me.
Kevin : Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you.
The underlined sentence is the expression of … .
a. satisfaction c.   pain e.   pleasure
b. dissatisfaction d.   relief
27. Ella : Look! The library is still open.
Elli : … I thought we cannot make it.
a. This is horrible! c.   I’m very unsatisfied! e.   Thank goodness!
b. Oh, this is bad! d.   This is so disappointing!
28. My sister will write a letter.
The passive form of the above sentence is … .
a. A letter will be written by my sister. d.   My sister will be write a letter.
b. A letter will be write by my sister. e.   My sister will be written a letter.
c. A letter will be writing by my sister.
29. A: Why are you going to school on foot?
B: ... .
a. My bike is repaired. d.   My bike has been repaired.
b. My bike was repaired. e.   My bike is being repaired.
c. My bike were repaired.
30. All the meat has been eaten by some mice.
It means: ... .

a. Some mice have been eaten by all the meat.
b. Some mice have eaten all the meat.
c. Some meat have eaten some mice.
d. All the meat has eaten some mice.
e. All the meat has eating mice.

31. Most of the girls in this class fall in love to Lukman ... he is sweet and kind-hearted.
a. because c.   and e.   however
b. but d.   although
32. I ... all the doors before I ... to work.
a. locked - went c.   had locked - gone e.   locked - go
b. had locked - went d.   had locked - had gone

Text 4 (Questions 33-35)
33. The picture is a kind of ... .
a. an invitation card
b. an announcement
c. an advertisement
d. a newspaper
e. a letter
34. What can we get for free?
a. 0 entry cost
b. No installation fee
c. No activation fee
d. Wi-Fi Modem
e. Streamyx
35. Which of the following is NOT the best offered by the advertisement?
a. Best coverage
b. Best speed
c. Best value
d. Most stable
e. Best model
II. Essay
1. The organization / the generic structure of an analytical exposition text is … . Explain it!

2. Complete the dialogue below using the appropriate expressions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction and give your reason!
X: Are you satisfied with the facilities in your school?
Y: … .
3. Change the following sentences into the Passive form!
a. The owner of the shop will open the shop.
b. The contractor is building the wall.

4. Use The Past Simple or The Past Perfect!
a. After the teacher … (explain) the lesson, she … (give) us the exercises.
b. Anto … (cook) fried rice before he … (go) to sleep.
5. Make a short conversation / dialogue using The Expressions of Pain and Relief!



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35


1. - Thesis : Introduces topic and indicates the writer’s position.
  Outlines the main arguments to be presented.
- Arguments : A series of arguments that support the thesis.
- Reiteration : Restates the writer’s point of view.
2. Student’s answer. (Depends on the teacher’s evaluation)
3. a. The shop will be opened by the owner of the shop.
b. The wall is being built by the contractor.
4. a. After the teacher had explained the lesson, she gave us the exercises.
b. Anto had cooked fried rice before he went to sleep.
5. Student’s answer. (Depends on the teacher’s evaluation)