I. Read the following Text and choose the best answer!

Text 1 is for question no. 1 - 5
The Return of Dracula

There were two little boys who loved horror movies very much. They said, ”scary movies give us a lot of excitement and pleasure.”
One night both of them watched The Return of Dracula on cable TV at their grandmother’s house. Their grand mother asked, “Aren’t you frightened by horror movies?”
“No! We have grown up. All those wolves and Dracula are a bluff and don’t scare us anymore, Grandma,” both replied.
Throughout the movie, Dracula appeared as an ugly bloodthirsty vampire, who always preyed upon lonely men, women and children. Watching Dracula, the children felt the same fear as what the victims in the movie really felt.
When the movie came to an end, one of the boys wanted to go to the bathroom. They decided to go there together. When they open the bathroom door, they were shocked to see some one sitting on the toilet seat. Affected by the movie they had just seen, the two boys believed that they had seen a Dracula. When the “Dracula” give abroad grin, the two boys realized suddenly that they were frightened and ran towards their grandmother’s room.
The two little boys got into the bed, then cuddled up together under the blanket. A few minutes later, their grandmother awoke because she felt the bed shaking violently. It turned out that the two little boys were trembling with fear. The grandmother asked, “What wrong?”
“We wanted to go to the bathroom, but we saw Dracula sitting on the toilet seat,” the boys replied.
“Boys! I thought you have grown up. That was your grandpa, not Dracula,” their grandmother laughed hysterically.
Ever since that night, the boys chose their program wisely. They only watched programs that were suitable for their age.      

1. The text mainly tells us about … .
a. The story about vampire
b. Horror movies
c. The difference between Dracula and werewolves
d. The reason not to watch horror movies at night
e. How children normally react after watching horror movies
2.   According to the text, which of the following sentences is true?

a. Dracula is a vampire
b. Dracula is a real character
c. Dracula is a character in a movie
d. Dracula preys on animal
e. Dracula lives in water

3.   Who are the main characters in the text?

a. They are Dracula and another vampire
b. They are grandma and grandpa            
c. They are The return of Dracula
d. They are the two little boys
e. They are the victims and the audience

4.   Where did the two boys watch the movie?

a. In their grandparents’ house
b. In the movie theater.
c. In their friend’s house
d. In school
e. In their friend’s house

5.   What is the communicative purpose of the text?

a. To tell a story
b. To read a story
c. To watch a movie
d. To entertain the reader with an imaginary story
e. To see a horror movie

Text 2 is for question no. 6 - 7
Ana :  I heard that you would represent our student’s summit conference in Cairo.
Lukman :  You are kidding, aren’t you?
Ana :  No, I’m not. I swear I heard them discussing it.
Lukman :  Do you think I’m capable of being a representative?
Ana :  Why not? I’ve no doubt.
Lukman :  What will the conference focus on?
Ana :  On student’s rights that the governments should fulfill, especially in the developing countries.
Lukman :  Would there be any possibility of changing the educational system of the countries?
Ana :  Of course, there would be. I think this will be a good start. Don’t you agree?
Lukman :  I do. Will I be able to give contribution to get the governments to change their educational
Ana         :  You’ll never know if you don’t try.
6.   The sentence expresses possibility is … .
a. I swear I heard them discussing it
b. I have no doubt
c. Would there be any possibility of changing the system
d. Do you think I’m capable of being chairman?
e. I think this will be a good start
7.   The sentence expresses certainty is … .
a. I swear I heard them discussing it
b. I have no doubt
c. Would there be any possibility of changing the system
d. Do you think I’m capable of being chairman?
e. I think this will be a good start
8.   . . . . .  the house had been painted white, it looked beautiful.

a. before
b. after
c. because of
d. for
e. although

9.   She would prepare everything   . . .   attending the class.

a. after
b. although
c. before
d. for
e. since

Text 3 is for question no. 10 - 14

How Bread is Made

Almost everyone eats bread daily, especially for breakfast. Bread making is not a complicated task. You only need flour, water, yeast, sugar, salt, oil, butter and an oven.
Choosing good flour is the first step in making bread. There are two kinds of flour, soft and hard. Hard flour, made of winter wheat, is  a better choice for making bread because it produces bread that has a better texture and taste.
Then, lukewarm water, yeast, sugar and salt are mixed with the flour to make dough. Yeast is microscopic organism that is capable of producing carbon dioxide. It can make the dough rise or expand. Both sugar and salt give flavor to the bread so that it tastes nice. They however, have different effects on yeast. After that, oil (such as olive oil, corn oil, peanut oil) and butter are added because they are essential to make the bread tender. After mixing all the ingredients, the dough is sent to the oven.

10. According to the text, how many kinds of flour are there and what are they?
a. There is only one kind of flour, good flour
b. There is only one kind of flour, made of wheat
c. There are two kinds of flour, soft and hard
d. There are many kinds of flour
e. There are two kinds of flour, good and bad
11. Which flour is made of winter wheat?

a. Soft flour
b. Winter flour
c. Wheat flour
d. White flour
e. Hard flour

12. What kind of text is it?

a. Narrative
b. Report
c. Discussion
d. Explanation
e. Review

13. Why is hard flour a better choice for making bread?
a. Because it is capable of producing carbon dioxide
b. Because it can make the bread tender
c. Because it can produce bread that has better texture and taste
d. Because it gives flavor to the bread
e. Because it can make the dough rise or expand
14. Which wheat is tastier?

a. Soft wheat
b. Wheat mixed with salt and sugar
c. Wheat that produces flour
d. Winter wheat
e. Hard wheat
15. The letter   . . .   at the moment.

a. has written
b. is writing
c. writing
d. Is being written
e. Writes

16. Ami: Why didn’t you ride your car?
      Ani : it . . . last week.

a. sells
b. was sold
c. has to sell
d. will sell
e. had sold

17. Dumas : What’s your plan after graduating your study at Islamic High School?
      Alfa     :   . . . .   English Department at Surabaya state University.

a. I must take
b. I should take
c. I think to take
d. I intend to take
e. I’m sure to take

18. Alwi     : Fal, I’m sorry I can’t come to your party
      Falana  : Come on, . . .  Ale party is not going to be fun without you.
a. How can I persuade you
b. What time will you come to my party
c. I will not try to persuade you to come
d. I am sure you will come
e. How should I persuade some one to pick you up?
19. Tita     : Hi, Tif. I wonder if you could answer a question for me?
      Latif   : That’s depends. What’s for?
      Tita     : No, I just want to know your ability. That’s all.
      The italic utterances show  … .

a. Opinion                    
b. Agreement              
c. Curiosity
d. Intenstion
e. possibility

20. Uum  : What’s your idea about Global warming?
      Deby : . . . . .
      The following utterances are correct, EXCEPT  … .

a. From my point of view, it’s harmful for our earth
b. I agree that that’s harmful for our earth
c. I’m sure, it will be harmful for our earth
d. Common, That is just kidding
e. Don’t worry, it will be okay

21. He studied hard in high school   . . .  he wanted to be accepted in a good university.

a. because of
b. despite
c. for
d. although
e. because

22. She can’t attend her class today  . . .  her illness.

a. because of
b. because
c. since
d. although
e. despite

23. Jannet : “ One more thing, Dicky  . . . .  you still don’t know the question, you can ask your friend ”
      Dicky   : OK, thanks.

a. since
b. because
c. because of
d. despite    
e. in spite of
Text 4 is for question no. 24 - 28


There are differences of opinion on the avian flu. Some say this could claim 150 million deaths, but others believe the current alarm on avian flu to be unwarranted as there is no proof it can spread between human.
According to the chief of the United Nations, 150 million people could die from the disease if a pandemic strikes. One of the most frightening aspects of a human flu pandemic arising from avian influenza would be its unpredictability. It’s difficult to estimate the death toll should the H5N1 virus mutate into a form that could be easily transmitted between humans. It is not possible to predict whether a pandemic would occur once, or if it would repeat. However, epidemiologists recommend that governments take every possible precaution against the threat of bird flu seriously.
Contrary to all the dire predictions about an avian flu pandemic, some ecologists dismiss the current panic unsubstantiated guess work. One ecologist contends that H5N1 virus still remains a bird virus and no scientific evidence yet exist human-to-human transmission. There are billions of people across Asia, and only 118 of them have been infected by avian flu. So, how do they know that 150 million or more people could die because of avian flu? The global panic, according to the ecologist, is the result of “scare tactic” created by politicians, medical officers and the media.
      It’s premature to predict the outcome of avian flu until health scientists confirm the possibility of human-to-human transmission. The advice is to keep cool and not panic because if you do, you will weaken your resistance and reduce your immune system.

24. What does “Pandemic” means?

a. A disease that only spreads among birds
b. An illness which is caused by animal
c. A disease which is globally widespread
d. A flu which affects only Asia
e. A disease that kills birds

25. If pandemic broke out, how many people would be killed globally?

a. 118 people
b. 500,000 people
c. About 150,000 people
d. About 150 million people
e. Half of the world population

26. What is the best precaution against avian flu?

a. Evacuate people to other countries
b. Stay at home, close all doors and windows
c. Kill all the chickens and birds
d. Keep cool and don’t panic
e. Don’t eat any chickens and birds

27. What does the ecologist say about H5N1?
a. Million of people will perish because of H5N1
b. It is a highly contagious disease
c. There is no scientific proof of human-to-human transmission
d. H5N1 is a human virus
e. H5N1 is a pandemic
28. Which of the statements below is true?

a. H5N1 is a human virus
b. A pandemic is not a contagious disease
c. An epidemiologist is a doctor who specializes in birds
d. Avian flu is not curable
e. H5N1 is only a bird virus

Suply a suitable word for each blank as follows:

A fast progressing foreign company . . .(29). . . a male or female typist for its branch office in Surabaya.
Applicants should . . . (30). . . the following . . . (31). . . :
1. Good command on English
2. Minimum typing speed : 50 words/minutes
3. Education                      ; Diploma
4. Age                                : between 22-27
Letter with complete resumes and references . . . (32). . . no. 2235 DDM
29. a.  Is finding c.  Is looking for e.  Is getting for
   b.  Is sending d.  Is looking around
30. a.   fulfill c.  be same e.  send
b.   match d.  approach
31. a.   tems c.   blanks e.  numbers
b.   requirements d.   jobs
32. a.   should be completed to   c.  should be given to e.  should be sent to
b.   should be relisted to d.  should be looked for
    Leli :  . . . (33). . . he looks poor, he has a new car now.
      Lia  :  It’s not strange to me. . .(34). . . looking poor, he has much money
      Leli :  How do you know that?
    Lia  :  Well. My father often invites me to go to the bank. He is not lazy to save his money in the bank.  
(35). . .a little money, it gradually become greater and greater.
33. a.   Despite c.   Although e.  Because of
  b.   In spite of d.   Because
34. a.   Despite            c.   Although e.   Because of      b.   Inspite of d.   Because
35.  a.   Despite c.   Although e. Because of
 b.   In spite of d.   Because

II. Answer the following questions correctly!

1. Make your own General Statement of Expanation Text with the title “Sleep”
2. Make your own sentences using :
a. although
b. In spite of
c. despite
3. Make a sentence using “Subjunctive “Wish”
4. Make your own Issue of Discussion text with the title “Should the Students Take Part Time Job?”
5. Make a short dialog using “Suggestion (making, accepting & refusing)”

Selamat mengerjakan !

TH. PELAJARAN 2010-2011a

1. E
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. D
6. E
7. B
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. E
12. D
13. C
14. D
15. D
16. B
17. D
18. A
19. C
20. A