it is a torchlight from the blazing light of the Prophet (s)

Shuhba Mawlana Syekh Hisyam Kabbani (q)
Di Pesantren Ash-Shidqu, Cirebon pimpinan Habib Quraisy
28 Des 2013
Transkrip oleh Syekh Gibril Fouad Haddad

Bismillah alrahman alrahim
Salam alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh

Glory to Allah Lord of the worlds blesings and peace on His Beloved S Muhammad
and upon his Family and Companions all - Mawlana weeps -
Glory to Allah who reunited us around the Love of the Elect one (s)
in such a gathering blessed for all as we are reaching the blessed month
the month of Islam and humanity and love and the Message
the message of the Beloved of Allah Muhammad (s)

Victory to the one who loves the Prophet and blessings to you and us with them
that we should be accepted by Allah and by His Prophet (s)
There is no gathering in which the Beloved Elect one is mentioned except he is present
[Mawlana weeps] either visibly or spiritually
Know that this present gathering is encompassed and surrounded by his lights
because of the presence of the lovers the scholars the students and the spiritual persons
who are learning the love of the elect (s).
I do not know therefore where to start and where to end my tongue cannot speak
for what is present herein of manifestations descending upon us by the blessing of the love of the Beloved (s).

Habib al-Qurayshi especially I thank and all the Habibs and lovers who are accompanying the Prophet (s) and will be resurrected with him on Resurrection because he said one will be resurrected with whomever he loves so from here O Messenger of Allah O beloevved of Allah
here are your beloved ones so accept us with them through your love the discourse is much about counsels and advice and learning never ends with them but it extends to another ocean - the ocean of Divine care, the names of Allah and His Attributes, the names of his Prophet
the ocean of Awliya and Ulema and the righteous.   The ocean always keeps reaching you, and that is also the ocean of your teacher Habib Umar, may Allah be well-pleased with him and support him with what He loves, and likewise Habib Ali he is beloved among Awliya
therefore blessings to both of them and to shuyukh through them because their light reaches everywhere and it issues from the Prophet (s).

O Habib Quraysh, it is a torchlight from the blazing light of the Prophet (s)
and learning never stops, and above every alim there is a alim and above every aleem there is a aleem and Allah is the Aleem above all, and from His Knowledge manifests an ocean for the ulema of the Umma who see what is not seen, who hear what is unheard.  These rare the imams of the ulema whom the Prophet referred to in his hadith qudsi: “My servant never ceases to approach Me with voluntary works until I love him then he hears what cannot be heard etc.”

for sound can be heard with intruments such as radio or tv, our hearts are Divine radios and TVs, we can hear what Allah wishes for us to hear through.  Let us witness then and see and hear what cannot be heard or sen, and speak the unspoken the words of the Awliya are pearls.

Abu Yazid al-Bistami (r) said, “O my Lord I spent my life in Your love, how to reach you?”  We also wish to reach what Sayyidina Abu Yazid reached.  How to reach you?  O Allah , open for me Your Door, the Door of the Elect (s) for he is the one that leads to Allah, and here in the hegiths we say also: O Allah open for us the Door of Your Prophet (s), of your Awliya, of  Your lovers, of the Habibs so that we will see what cannot be seen.

Abu Yazid then was imploring Allah with this dua until he heard a caller in his heart,
Saying:  “O Abu Yazid, do you really wish to enter through My Door and into My Paradise?
The heart contains but only One, not two or three or four.”  He said, “and what is that One, O Allah?”  He replied: “Abu Yazid, you cannot reach Me with yourself; leave yourself and come
leave yourself, leave your learning and come to Me bare of everything.  I shall cast upon you and dress you and give you of My secrets and make you of My lovers and accept you as a servant to Me.”

O our Lord we are powerless, whoever tries to resemble a people he is one of them, we do not dare we try to resemble the Prophet (s), but we are allowed to say, we try to resemble Abu Yazid al-Bistami,  O our Lord he asked and we ask too, his request includes us.
So He entered him into His ocean and called unto him with a Divine call: “O Abu Yazid, I honored you by letting you devoid yourself of your ego on one conditioon: you must make your ego a dumping ground for My servants, give them your all and divest yourself of your own self for them, through that you will enter My ocean.”

Abu Yazid accepted that and divested himself of his own identity for their sake.

O victory to him, and victory to us if we try to resemble him.  But the ocean of the Prophet (s) is other than that, his ocean all servants enter, always he feared and still does, on behalf of his community and so until Resurrection so O my Master O messenger of Allah enter us into your ocean.

Allah said to you “Have we not expanded your breast?”  When he was concerned for his Umma
Meaning, “Have I not forgiven all their sins for you?  have I not given them to you?”
Prophet (s) was asking that they enter Paradise with him,
so I expanded your breast by accepting that request and removing your sin
Does he have a sin? "And we have taken down your sin"
Rather it means that we are all forgiven and purified through his intercession
Allah has greatly honored us with the Beloved Elect (s)
He is the Prophet and the Light which Allah created before creating all things
how can Light have sins? Rather the sins of the Umma were the burden and sins which Prophet (s) was carrying as he said my intercession is for the great sinners of my Umma.

O Messenger of Allah, we are the great sinners of your Umma.
we seek your intercession here and at death and in the grave and on resurrection
we ask that Allah resurrect us with you on a seat of truthfulness near the Mighty King of all.
Allah addressed Musa with a Divine speech that soothed his heart and gave him huge honor
then a man came to Musa and asked him: "O Musa, who is more knowledgeable?" without finishing his sentence, meaning between you and me. Sayyidina Musa a great Prophet and the man a humble believer, perhaps dusty and disheveled, a wali and Musa said perhaps in his heart and no one heard him: I am more knowledgeable.

But Allah heard and made Musa in need of meeting another servant, Sayyidina Khidr upon him peace, so that Musa upon him peace would know that there is another knowledge there straight from Allah, learning is not from books. As Ibn Ajiba said: ilm is from awraq (leaves of books) and also from adhwaq (spiritual tastes) thus we meet and kiss the hands and feet of Habib Qurashi and the other Habibs and beloved, because we hope to be with them in dunya and Paradise thus we learn adab and love.

So Musa went to search for that servant between the two oceans, and he found
"one of our slaves" meaning they are MANY! as we have ascended the mountain the other day
on a mountain where that servant we met presents Allah's slaves to Him and prepares them,
and Allah returns us to the station of truth, the station of true servanthood to Him.
"And he found one of our slave, and Musa asked him can I accompany you but he said you will have no patience
why? because his learning differs from that of Musa, perhaps Allah gave him something different.

He said: Can I still be with you? That servant said...
"A servant to whom we gave mercy and taught from Ourselves knowledge"
It has conditions and the essential one He mentioned first: we gave him what first? Mercy
If He gives mercy, the servant becomes Lordly (Rabbani).

So the essential condition for the sciences of spiritual tastes is the Gifted Mercy granted by Allah
and that is the Messenger of Allah (s) i.e. without Prophet no one can - past present and future - no one can reach Allah except through the blessing of the Prophet (s) i.e. we gave him mercy, the mercy We gave through the Prophet, so through the ocean of the Prophet he dressed al-Khidr upon him peace and that was his light and he made him reach through that to the "knowledge from ourselves" (ilm ladunni) after which he jettisoned the boat, how, it means, “O ignoramus sink your ego to reach me rather than stay with that shaytan blocking you from progress
and likewise the killing of the child is the killing of the ego, the despised ego-child (tifl al-nafs al-madhmuma)”

when you slay it the treasures under your wall will be brought to you, when you tread your ego underfoot it will be given to you.

O servants of Allah, far from me to teach you anything rarther I am your student and I seek from your lights, but may Allah gather us with His beloved Mustafa (s) when we say shahada we assert our witnessing that Allah is our Creator and Lord.  He created us and honored us and made us of the Umma of al-Mustafa (s) so blessings to us all through his blessing and I kiss all your feet especially Habib al-Qurashi al-Makki al Tihami

wassalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh

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