State Museum is located in the MPU Tantular
Buduran highway, Buduran District, Sidoarjo.
Inaugurated on May 14, 2004 by the Head of Education and Culture, East Java Province, Mr Dr. H. Rasiyo, Msi.
The word Museum is a reduplication of the classical Greek word "Mouseon", ie the building as a worship of the Nine sacred goddess of arts and sciences of ancient Greece. Museum is an agency of the storage, maintenance, security and utilization of objects - objects of material culture and human nature and lingkunganya to support the protection and preservation of the cultural wealth of the nation. Thus the museum is open to the public, especially for the surprise of educational and recreational purposes.
Establishment HISTORY MUSEUM
Museum of East Java Province MPU Tantular founded by Von Faber, in 1933. At first showcased the collection agency disuatu small room in readhuis Ketabang.
Von Faber Sepeninggalan museums managed by the Public Education Foundation is supported by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The museum was opened to the public on May 23, 1972, this museum has many places to change on May 14, 2004 the museum re-occupy the new land in Sidoarjo, precisely on the highway Buduran Buduran District, Sidoarjo regency.
2. One of the tasks and functions of museums.
Provide guidance to educational cultural museum visitors. This activity is intended to provide information covering - the extent megenai meaning, function and the ins and outs of the museum's collection that illustrate the cultural diversity of the archipelago
Realizing that people love and are proud of their own culture.
Duties and functions of museums as cultural sights are communicative, productive, innovative, economical and convenient to the general public.
5. The goal Museum
Preserve and utilize objects of cultural heritage in the framework of national cultural development to strengthen the spirit of national unity.
Buduran highway, Buduran District, Sidoarjo.
Inaugurated on May 14, 2004 by the Head of Education and Culture, East Java Province, Mr Dr. H. Rasiyo, Msi.
The word Museum is a reduplication of the classical Greek word "Mouseon", ie the building as a worship of the Nine sacred goddess of arts and sciences of ancient Greece. Museum is an agency of the storage, maintenance, security and utilization of objects - objects of material culture and human nature and lingkunganya to support the protection and preservation of the cultural wealth of the nation. Thus the museum is open to the public, especially for the surprise of educational and recreational purposes.
Establishment HISTORY MUSEUM
Museum of East Java Province MPU Tantular founded by Von Faber, in 1933. At first showcased the collection agency disuatu small room in readhuis Ketabang.
Von Faber Sepeninggalan museums managed by the Public Education Foundation is supported by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The museum was opened to the public on May 23, 1972, this museum has many places to change on May 14, 2004 the museum re-occupy the new land in Sidoarjo, precisely on the highway Buduran Buduran District, Sidoarjo regency.
2. One of the tasks and functions of museums.
Provide guidance to educational cultural museum visitors. This activity is intended to provide information covering - the extent megenai meaning, function and the ins and outs of the museum's collection that illustrate the cultural diversity of the archipelago
Realizing that people love and are proud of their own culture.
Duties and functions of museums as cultural sights are communicative, productive, innovative, economical and convenient to the general public.
5. The goal Museum
Preserve and utilize objects of cultural heritage in the framework of national cultural development to strengthen the spirit of national unity.
Permanent Exhibition Hall House Museum named Majapahit, arranging exhibition in this room are grouped into ten types of collections are sorted by periodization.
Ten types of collection are:
Collections: (01) is a collection that is the object of scientific disciplines including geology of rocks and minerals. Collections on display are:
- Frozen rock - Sedimentary rock - metamorphic rocks
Biology Collection: (02) is a collection that is the object of study of biological sciences include human and animal fossils. Collections on display are:
- Fossils of Ancient Elephant Ivory
- The fossil skull of a crocodile from the river Porong, Sidoarjo.
- Etc..
Ethnographic Collections: (03) is a collection that became the object of anthropological science research, including the results of culture and describe an ethnic idenitas. Collections on display are:
- Containers ceremony of brass.
- Mask dongkrek.
- Etc..
rchaeological Collections: (04) is a collection that is the result of past cultures that became the object of archaeological research.
Collection History: (05) is a collection that contains the value of history covering the period since the influx of western culture until now.
Numismatic Collection and Heraldika: (06) is a collection of currency or legal tender.
• Collection Heraldika: Star Mahaputra or star awards in the military.
• Numismatic Collection: Currency Kadiri, Srivijaya, pictorial paper currency until Sukarno in 1960.
is a collection which became the subject of ancient manuscripts penenelitian written by hand on an
Collection Philology: (07) is a collection which became the subject of ancient manuscripts penenelitian written by hand on an event.
Ceramic Collections: (08) is a collection that is made of baked clay material.
Collection of Fine Arts (09): is a collection that expresses the human artistic experience through two-or three-dimensional objects. Collections on display include:
- Dragon Throne - Gebyog - Gayor - Etc..
Collection of technology: (10) is a collection that illustrates the development of equipment teknlogi or industry results. Collections on display include:
- Bicycles wood - Delman - Bicycles high - Etc..
Ten types of collection are:
Collections: (01) is a collection that is the object of scientific disciplines including geology of rocks and minerals. Collections on display are:
- Frozen rock - Sedimentary rock - metamorphic rocks
Biology Collection: (02) is a collection that is the object of study of biological sciences include human and animal fossils. Collections on display are:
- Fossils of Ancient Elephant Ivory
- The fossil skull of a crocodile from the river Porong, Sidoarjo.
- Etc..
Ethnographic Collections: (03) is a collection that became the object of anthropological science research, including the results of culture and describe an ethnic idenitas. Collections on display are:
- Containers ceremony of brass.
- Mask dongkrek.
- Etc..
rchaeological Collections: (04) is a collection that is the result of past cultures that became the object of archaeological research.
Collection History: (05) is a collection that contains the value of history covering the period since the influx of western culture until now.
Numismatic Collection and Heraldika: (06) is a collection of currency or legal tender.
• Collection Heraldika: Star Mahaputra or star awards in the military.
• Numismatic Collection: Currency Kadiri, Srivijaya, pictorial paper currency until Sukarno in 1960.
is a collection which became the subject of ancient manuscripts penenelitian written by hand on an
Collection Philology: (07) is a collection which became the subject of ancient manuscripts penenelitian written by hand on an event.
Ceramic Collections: (08) is a collection that is made of baked clay material.
Collection of Fine Arts (09): is a collection that expresses the human artistic experience through two-or three-dimensional objects. Collections on display include:
- Dragon Throne - Gebyog - Gayor - Etc..
Collection of technology: (10) is a collection that illustrates the development of equipment teknlogi or industry results. Collections on display include:
- Bicycles wood - Delman - Bicycles high - Etc..