soal bahasa inggis

A Good boy
Billy always …….(1) to his mother. He always does what she says. If his mother says, "Brush your teeth,” Billy (2) his teeth. If his mother says, "Go to bed,” Billy goes to bed. Billy is a very good boy. A good boy listens to his mother. His mother doesn’t ………..(3) ask him again. She asks him to do ……….(4) one time, and she doesn’t ask again. Billy is a good boy. He does what his mother asks the first time. She doesn’t have to ask again. She tells Billy, "You are my best child.” …..…….(5)Billy is her best child. Billy is her only child.
A long life
Nancy wants to live a long time. She ……..(6) to live for one hundred years. She is five years old now. She wants to live 95 more years. Then she ……..(7) 100. Her father is 30 years old. He wants to live a long time, too. He wants to live for one hundred years. He wants to live for 70 more years. "Daddy, we will ………..(8) together, okay?" Nancy said to her father. "Yes, honey, we will grow old together," he said to Nancy. Then Nancy ……….(9). She ………..(10) her daddy a big hug.

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